Monday, June 22, 2015

My Sunshine

Little Lily! You're starting to stand unsupported, eating all the food, and growing more and more every day. Your favorite song is "All the Single Ladies" (Chipettes version). Eva likes it, so it's been in heavy rotation at our house. You sing along with the "uh uh oh" parts, and shake your little body. 

You're such a wonderful addition to our family. You were a surprise for us, but I'm so glad that you came to join us. 

In the picture above, you're eating a popsicle with your daddy. We had to take it away from you because you liked it so much. 

I'm trying to take more pictures of our whole family. I know they'll be precious to you and Eva one day. You two girls are starting to look more and more alike. 

You've become something of a chimpanzee. I left the room briefly to make a sandwich, and you climbed on top of this laundry basket. You couldn't get yourself down, so you cried out for me. I came around the corner to see what was wrong, and found this. I had to take a picture. 

We went to a museum event uptown, and you rode in the stroller and looked at all the pictures. We took Eva out for ice cream after, and discovered that you are also a fan of ice cream. I couldn't shovel it in your little mouth fast enough. 

You always ride in the stroller like this, with your feet propped up on the little table. 

When Eva was a tiny baby, I read to her a lot. I haven't read to you as much. I'm sorry, sweet girl. It's hard to make the time to do some of the things that came easily when I only had one baby. But we've been trying to read more to you since you've been talking more, and you really like Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? Just like your sister!

Your words now include: Mama, Dada, Fafa (Eva), Uh oh, Ba, Da, Duck, Papa, and Ball. And sometimes, you quack or bark like the dogs. 

You have 4 teeth on top and 3 on the bottom, and you have a million dollar smile. You make everyone feel so special because you're always smiling. 

This is a picture from when I was a baby. Don't we look alike?

You stack stuff! You're basically an engineer and an architect. Your daddy and I were very impressed with this sculpture. 

We've been enjoying the spraygrounds at our local parks. I think we'll plan to have your birthday party by one, since it'll be very hot on July 31!

That's serious sleep. Look at your sweet face! I snuggle you and your sister all night long. 

All the girls. You both love your daddy so much. You went through a phase of being particularly partial to him. 

Arts and crafts outside. You do a really good job with a paintbrush. You get it everywhere, of course, but sometimes, you actually try to paint the paper. Your teachers at your daycare are impressed!

Your daddy didn't feel good, so he didn't get up to help us get dressed. While I was dressing myself, you ate a blue marker and went to school with blue lips. 


Look at that smile!

What a sunshine!

I was working at home, and you decided to take a bite out of my Apple computer. 

That tummy!

We took your sister strawberry picking. You enjoyed the strawberries as well. 

Happy baby. 

You fight sleep like a champion. You've found that if you hold your arms up like this, you won't fall asleep. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lily Laughing

Oh fat, happy girl. You're six months old now. You can roll all over the place. You have two beautiful teeth. You have a smile that's like the sun coming up.

You're ticklish all over your body. My grandmother always was easy to tickle, and my daddy is as well. You giggle and giggle when I tickle you...even before I touch you, you giggle.

I watch this video all the time. You're continue to brighten our world.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Already a Blessing

I'm just back to my office from my daily visit to nurse you at your school. As I was holding you and talking to you, one of the teachers from another class dropped in to relieve one of your teachers for a bathroom break. She came up to you to see you because you've become known all over the school for your quick, bright smile. You make everyone feel so special with your little smile.

When we're in the grocery store, you smile at anyone who looks at you. You're already a blessing to people, brightening their days. I'm so lucky that I get to be your mama.

I hope you always keep your bright, easy spirit, your quick laugh, and your deep contentedness. I hope when you're 35 years old like me, you are still as centered and sweet as you are right now.

Over the last few weeks, you've started saying "Mamamamama" when you want me. It's the sweetest sound!

Hanging out in the high chair. You seem to enjoy sitting there, either to eat or to watch your sister play. You watch me working in the kitchen as I make your dinner in the blender. 

You worked really hard on these smashed-up peas. I think you look like your sister here. You guys don't look a lot alike, but you definitely look like sisters!

Sweet sleeping girl. This is your daycare crib. 

I can't tell you how much this makes my heart happy. Seeing the two of you begin to interact is the best thing ever. I'm so glad you'll always have each other. 

Here you are exploring paint at your school. You seemed to know exactly what to do! I think it's funny to see you sitting in your tiny chair. 

You like to sleep on me. I think you look a little like your daddy here. Mostly, though, you look just like me. 

This was your first time in the swing at the park. The sun was too bright for you, but you liked swinging.

More school artwork. You are holding the dot marker yourself!

You love your solid foods! You're eating avocado here. You like to hold a spoon to try to feed yourself while I'm feeding you. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

School Girl

Lily! You've started school! My first day back to work was September 22nd, but I worked at home with you until November 17th. Leaving you was very, very hard. I knew you would be fine because you're going to the same school Eva goes to. It's a great place, and it's just two blocks from my office. I walk down to nurse you at lunch every day, and most days, I leave you napping in your crib. 

You're a lot of fun right now. You're big and hardy, and you smile and laugh all the time. You make everyone feel special because you smile at them. We went to one of your daddy's great aunt's birthday party yesterday, and you let all kinds of people hold you and pass you around. Eva never was as friendly as you are. 

You're a super snuggly girl. This is you and me loving int he chair where I sit to nurse you most of the time. You like my soft bathrobe. 
And here you are with Eva, who you adore. She loves you very much, too. It's hard to get pictures of both of you making a cute face at the same time. Eva's always on the move! You watch her while she plays around, and you laugh and laugh at her when she talks to you. I have to ask her to calm down and be gentle sometimes because she's a little rough and wild with you, but you don't seem to mind.

You're starting to be able to sit up for a few seconds unsupported. You kind of prop on your tummy and thighs. You're deliciously chubby. I think you and Eva will enjoy each other even more when you can sit up. 

Just last night, I was giving you a bath and you started slapping at the water. I used to put you in a baby bathtub, but I've been just holding you and washing you lately. I love feeling your little naked chubs in my arms while you kick your legs and look all around. You love to take a bath. 

You've been enjoying toys lately. Your hands are working a bit better these days, so you can hold onto stuff and play around. I think you're growing some teeth, so all your toys end up in your mouth.
Sweet, sleepy girl.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Little Lily

Me in 1979. Lily in 2014.
You're almost 8 weeks old. Unlike with your big sister, whose early life I documented meticulously, you're going to suffer the chronic plague of the second child...less documentation. I promise to take lots of pictures of you, though.

You're a delight. I just read the post I wrote previously, and it was written 3 months exactly before you came into our world. Eva was delivered via c-section after a long attempt to push her out, but you, sweet girl, came head-first, heart wide open, into the world. It only took about 15 minutes of pushing to get you out, the old fashioned way. You had your own door into the world, and Eva had her own.

Nothing ever felt as good as knowing that I'd successfully delivered you. I'm not sure if it's a natural part of delivering a baby or if it was the victory of being able to do it after a c-section, but for a second, when I held you in my arms for the first time, I wanted to have ten more babies.

You nurse like a dream, and after the first week or so, you figured out how to sleep very well. You give me at least 6 hours of sleep in one chunk every night. Your big sister just figured that out a little before you were born.

You laugh and smile now. We're at your Meme and Papa's house this week, and you're delighting them with your giggles and sweet baby smiles and sounds.

You look so much like I did as a baby. Everyone who knew me when I was small tells me, over and over.

Oh, you're crying. And after I pick you up and soothe you, your sister will be back. I love you.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Kicking and Punching

Well hello, little Lily.

I'm sitting in a meeting right now, and my stomach is jumping all over the place. I saw you move from the outside of my dress for the first time today.

We're getting ready to meet you. I can't wait to see if you look like your big sister, to hold you and introduce you to her, and to learn all about you.